LinkedIn Local™ events are organic meetups, hosted by members all over the world. They provide an opportunity to network, build community, discuss industry trends, and share best practices.


The LinkedIn Local program is here to strengthen your existing connections, while helping you build new ones. 

Learn more about LinedIn Local Events


Hosted By

project portfolio management experts

LinkedIn Local – Honolulu, hosted by Metagyre, provides a unique opportunity to connect with peers and emerging leaders beyond traditional business settings.


  • These events are thoughtfully designed to foster meaningful professional relationships within the Honolulu business community by bringing together professionals for in-person conversations.


  • As host, Metagyre cultivates an open environment for discussing industry trends, sharing best practices, and engaging in insightful conversations. This creates a valuable space to learn from fellow leaders' experiences while contributing your own insights.

Metagyre, Inc.

Adaptive | Predictive | Delivered

Project Portfolio Management



Learn more about Project Portfolio Management services


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